Basera Old Age Home was established in 2014, with a concrete intention to provide care for aging destitute mothers.
Children’s Education
There are many students who are dropouts in schools and colleges as their parents can’t afford payment of fees. By supporting these needy underprivileged student’s education, we can help them continue their studies. So we act as a bridge between seeker and the one who can afford. If you want to sponsor someone, we’ll direct your willingness to genuine schools and colleges and you can sponsor the student.
Ration kits for needy families
People who are located in remote areas are deprived of basic facilities. Basera Old Age Home assists needy people by distributing 100 ration kits (in a month) to needy families who have lost their employment in times of crisis. Almost 50 families are helped by Basera Old Age Home on a monthly basis. We continue our services to ensure that the maximum possible amount is made available to the needy.
Cancer and long - term treatment patients
Cancer rates in India are rising and treatment facilities are limited. Some patients discontinue their treatment because they don’t have enough money for it and certain patients have to embark on long journeys to avail basic facilities for diagnosis or other medical care. To resolve this problem, we act as a bridge between the seeker and the sponsor. Join hands with us to sponsor a cancer patient and other terminally ill patients.
Rural Orphanage
We try our utmost best to extend full support to orphanages in rural areas.
Basera Old Age Home 24/7 365 days chilled drinking water
Basera Old Age Home provides free chilled drinking water 24/7 365 days. During summers, usage is more than 2000 lts per day and in other seasons it is nearly 1500 lts per day.
Self - employment and small scale industries training programme
Promoting youth entrepreneurship and enterprise creation is a key policy nowadays. In order to promote youth entrepreneurship, increasing awareness, training, and skill development training programmes among young people of the opportunities, explaining the challenges of entrepreneurship and self-employment are crucial. This will improve small businesses and increase employment opportunities in developing economies in transition. We are promoting small-scale industries and providing self-employment programmes to youth and women from marginalized communities.
Sponsor an elderly person
One Month
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
3 Months
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
6 Months
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
1 Year
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
‘Little drops make the mighty ocean’. Even a small amount of donation can make a big difference in people’s lives.
Account Number: xxxxxxx
Bank Name: HDFC Bank
IFS Code: HDFC000
Branch: xxxx
Badangpet, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India.